Facilitation Genius
for Individuals

Take a deep dive into your facilitation psyche with an intimate cohort of likeminded people. This 6-week intensive requires people who are fully committed to the community learning, time expectations and coursework. A maximum of 12 people selected to participate in each cohort.
Next Date: November 2024!

Here’s what to expect

I've delivered custom facilitation programs for Shopify, WestJet, lululemon athletica, Canopy Growth, the Banff Centre and many more. Now we're available to you!

Facilitation Genius Discovery

The origin of the word facilitation means “the act of making something easier”. Connect with Elaine to share what you're looking for and make sure the program is a fit for you. 

Free Download

Assess your Facilitation Strengths

Whether you consult or lead a team, the art of facilitation requires an ability to draw on a combination of skills in the moment. Check out our Facilitation Strengths workbook to uncover your skills and gaps.

Do the Assessment

Are you tired of getting in your own way?

  • Does the voice in your head get louder as you juggle details in the moment?
  • Are you uncomfortable asking questions you won’t know the answers to?
  • When you have a point to make does it get lost between your brain and the audience’s ears?
  • Are you sweating profusely at the idea of someone disagreeing with you in front of a group? Like right now?
  • Do you want to be immediately perfect at leading groups without ever feeling vulnerable?

We. Hear. You.

This is your space. Your people. Your Learning.
We invite you to take risks and receive feedback that people rarely have the time or courage to share with you. We tailor the practice and the feedback to where you’re at in your journey. You will be in the learning zone; challenged and uncomfortable in a way that will accelerate your growth (not your heart rate).

The Experience

Over the course of 6 weeks, I will guide you and an intimate cohort of leaders and facilitators through six modules in a live interactive online program.
Each 3-hour module includes a range of facilitation and communication concepts, practice, feedback and homework to prepare for the next week. 
Upcoming program: November 2024

Module 1:
Set the Stage

Assess your skills, connect with your cohort, and get clear on your goals for this learning journey. We'll examine the foundations of adult learning, designing engaging experiences, and create an environment that values the experience everyone brings.

Module 2:
Lead with Presence

Uncover and choose the message you communicate with your physical presence, energy and words. We'll explore the importance of breath and audience engagement. Then you'll receive feedback on a story that evokes emotion and impact.

Module 3: 
Create the Learning

Co-facilitate live content with a peer, receive feedback and practice the art of guiding instead of telling. Experience a well designed facilitator guide. Apply new skills in a low risk zone and build your ability to manage group dynamics.

Module 4: 
Psychological Safety & Bias

Join Elaine and co-facilitator Meriko Kubota to explore how personal experiences and bias inform the way we support others. Practice enabling an inclusive learning environment that recognizes and welcomes intersectionality and diversity.

Module 5:
Anticipate & Improvise

Learn how to manage the critic in your head and embrace a more flexible approach to leading groups. Examine different learner personas, how to manage resistance, and the fear of the unknown. You'll also practice the art of the debrief with newfound curiosity. 

Module 6:
The Genius is in the Room

It’s happening! Facilitate solo and incorporate your learning, lean into your strengths and try out some new moves. You'll receive feedback from a trusted and skilled community who've supported your growth over the last six weeks.

Course Price


apply early - limited space

  • Six weekly virtual 3-hour modules
  • 1:1 custom coaching session
  • Live practice with feedback
  • Articles, resources and facilitation tools
  • Limited to 12 people in each cohort

Now Accepting November Applications

Bring your best self to the conversations you lead. Straight talk, practiced imperfection and skill. 

Apply now to find cohort dates and have a conversation with Elaine. 


p.s. Want to host this program for your team?
Find out more here: Facilitation Genius for Organizations
Kerry O'Brien Shopify

“I'd recommend Elaine to anyone hoping to level up in facilitation and instruction. She understands people very quickly, makes concepts clear, and provides personal, applicable feedback. Her workshop had significant impact on me as a facilitator. We identified my default approaches, up-skilled on reading a room, and learned how to subtly adjust approaches appropriately. I'm very grateful for the opportunity and am using the concepts daily.”



“Elaine brings a real sense of openness through her practice and knowledge that helps people to delve deeper. She will help you to answer some of those questions for yourself. It's incredible to see how she harnesses the energy in the room to bring people to a cohesive sense of purpose.”

Syrus Marcus Ware
Artist, Activist, and Educator


Upcoming Workshops

The ideal quick hit learning sessions – specialized classes that will level up your skill and confidence. Don't miss out! Sign up to be notified about release dates.

2.5-hour workshop

The Experience Architect 

Create a kick-ass learning experience. Explore the foundation of adult learning, design outcomes with purpose and make the link between the what and the how of your meeting or workshop.

Find Out More
2-hour workshop

Engage the Zoom

Liven up your virtual meetings and workshops with fun and purpose. Use improvisation activities to create connection and intimacy with your clients and teams.

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3-hour workshop

Productive Conflict

What's the conversation you're not having? Explore your empathy muscle and prepare thoughtfully for conflict. Identify how you get in your own way and prioritize solutions over being right.

Find Out More